
Glass or Panel Retainer Fruitwood

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Glass or Panel Retainer Fruitwood


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  • SKU: 62.00.99
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If you are looking for the right glass or panel retainer, Custom Service Hardware has just what you need. We offer our customers a wide selection in a variety of colors. These strips are excellent for stabilizing your glass in a cabinet door and prohibit any rattling. They fit easily and quickly into a slot cut in the rails and stiles and remain secure in the molding of a groove between the panel and the frame. The specific glass or panel retainer that is being offered here is the fruitwood retainer. We hope you find the right product to fit your liking.

Glass/Panel Retainer Fruitwood
Recommended Kerf is .130 - .145
Bit For Groove: 900.007

Glass/Panel Retainer Fruitwood
Recommended Kerf is .130 - .145
Bit For Groove: 900.007
Unit of Measure: qty "1" = 1 foot.

If you are looking for the right glass or panel retainer, Custom Service Hardware has just what you need. We offer our customers a wide selection in a variety of colors. These strips are excellent for stabilizing your glass in a cabinet door and prohibit any rattling. They fit easily and quickly into a slot cut in the rails and stiles and remain secure in the molding of a groove between the panel and the frame. The specific glass or panel retainer that is being offered here is the fruitwood retainer. We hope you find the right product to fit your liking.