
Bostic BladeCote (Formerly DriCote) Cutter and Bit Lubricant

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Bostic BladeCote (Formerly DriCote) Cutter and Bit Lubricant


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This blade/bit lubricant will extend the life of your equipment.

Bostic BladeCote (Formerly DriCote) Cutter and Lubricant, 10.75 oz Aerosol

* Prevents resin buildup. Reduces blade cleanings.
* Extends overall life of blades and bits.
* Contains NO silicone or petroleum oil.
* Will NOT stain wood or interfene with glues or finishes.
* Reduces cutting friction and heat.
* Prolongs equipment life by reducing saw or drill motor drag.
* Increases productivity by less downtime for saw blade changeovers.
* Works equally well on stell or carbide, stellite and diamond-tipped cutting blades.

Bostic BladeCote (Formerly DriCote) Cutter and Bit Lubricant, 10.75 oz Aerosol

* Prevents resin buildup. Reduces blade cleanings.
* Extends overall life of blades and bits.
* Contains NO silicone or petroleum oil.
* Will NOT stain wood or interfene with glues or finishes.
* Reduces cutting friction and heat.
* Prolongs equipment life by reducing saw or drill motor drag.
* Increases productivity by less downtime for saw blade changeovers.
* Works equally well on stell or carbide, stellite and diamond-tipped cutting blades.