Moulding - Ship Lap 3/4 W X 6 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood
Moulding - Ship Lap 3/4 W X 6 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood|~~~|Moulding - Ship Lap 3/4 W X 6 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood

Moulding - Batten 3/4 W X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood
Moulding - Batten 3/4 W X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood|~~~|Moulding - Batten 3/4 W X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood

Moulding - Quarter Round 3/4 W X 3/4 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood
Moulding - Quarter Round 3/4 W X 3/4 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood|~~~|Moulding - Quarter Round 3/4 W X 3/4 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood

Moulding - Extension 3/4 W X 6 H X 96 L - Luna Kona by Fabuwood
Moulding - Extension 3/4 W X 6 H X 96 L - Luna Kona by Fabuwood * Moulding extension may be combined w/ STRM8 * Has two v-grooves on the back to allow placement w/ different reveals...

Moulding - Starter 1-1/4 W X 3/4 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood
Moulding - Starter 1-1/4 W X 3/4 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood|~~~|Moulding - Starter 1-1/4 W X 3/4 H X 96 L - Galaxy Timber by Fabuwood