Panel - Refrigerator or Pantry End 24 W X 96 H X 3/4 Th - Modern Gloss White
Panel - Pantry Decorative End 24 W X 96 H X 3/4 Th - Modern Gloss White (Also for Pantry End Panel)|~~~|Panel - Pantry Decorative End 24 W X 96 H X 3/4 Th - Modern Gloss White (Also for Pantry End...

Pantry Top 24 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry)
Pantry Top 24 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry) |~~~|Pantry Top 24 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry)

Pantry Top 18 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry)
Pantry Top 18 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry) |~~~|Pantry Top 18 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry)

Pantry Top 30 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry)
Pantry Top 30 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry) |~~~|Pantry Top 30 W X 42 H X 24 D - Modern Dark Wood (use with bottom for 96" tall pantry)

Panel - Wall End 12 W X 42 H X 3/4 Th - Modern Dark Wood (required on exposed sides)
Panel - Wall Decorative End 12 W X 42 H X 3/4 Th - Modern Dark Wood (required on exposed sides) |~~~|Panel - Wall Decorative End 12 W X 42 H X 3/4 Th - Modern Dark Wood (required on exposed sides)