

How to Create a Hidden Room Using an Invisidoor Bookcase Door 

InvisiDoor bookcases at Custom Service Hardware put the dream of having your own hidden room within reach. In a world where privacy and security are paramount, InvisiDoor offers an innovative and less expensive solution to custom hidden door installation. With two assembled options and one DIY assembly, our InvisiDoor bookcases conceal everything from safe rooms, home offices, extra storage areas, pantries, and gun closets. Add an activation accessory like InvisiDoor's special book latch, …
Sep 20th 2024 CSH Staff
InvisiDoor Installation 101

InvisiDoor Installation 101

The InvisiDoor pivot bookcase is one of our most popular products, and it's no secret why. Our hidden door solutions come ready to install, and installation is easy enough, if you have a few basic tools. Your InvisiDoor arrives with instructions, and we're always happy to help talk you through assembly or installation. This basic guide shows how easy it is to mount your hidden bookcase and create a concealed room in your very own home.IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you purchase your InvisiDoor, dou …
Apr 16th 2023 Caleb Weimer